Crystal Cast Podcast

Hey guys! Long time no see! Just wanted to let you know I’m on another podcast called Crystal Cast. We talk JRPGs mainly. We are on Soundcloud and iTunes so please give us a listen, follow and review! Check out our latest episode about Nier Automata here! Our next podcast will be on Toukiden 2!…

Amnesia Memories – Ukyo’s Routes

Ukyo is the last guy you can romance in Amnesia Memories. Throughout the game at this point he has been a mysterious and often scary guy who shows up to warn you of death or worse! To unlock Ukyo (Joker World), you need to have gotten all four of the Good Ends first. Then start…

Amnesia Memories – Toma’s Routes

I finally finished Toma’s routes in Amnesia Memories. These routes were very emotional for me, and one literally left me in tears. I think he has actually has replaced Kent as my favorite guy in the game. We still have one more guy though so that might change! Toma is a childhood friend that has looked over…

Heroines of the Cherry Blossom Otome Podcast

I wanted to do a quick announcement. Myself and a good friend have started our own otome podcast! We are calling it Heroines of the Cherry Blossom. The goal of the podcast is help build the otome community and to have fun with friends! We talk about what we are playing (trying to avoid spoilers), funny…

Amnesia Memories – Kent’s Routes

This week in Amnesia Memories we tackle Kent’s routes. Kent is by far my favorite of the guys! I think he is just too cute and adorable! Kent is a very intelligent guy who questions everything around him. He comes across as rude and stand-offish due to his constant analyzing of things. In his route you…

Amnesia Memories – Ikki’s Routes

As you may have noticed in my last post I’m pretty excited that we got Amnesia in North America! My previous post was on Shin’s routes and CGs. This time we go after Ikki! As a side note here, please do NOT pirate this game.  We need to show our support, via our hard earned money,…

Amnesia Memories – Shin’s Routes

So we finally got Amnesia in North America! I’m so excited to play the English version of this game.  I had imported it since the Vita isn’t region locked but it’s great to have it in this format.  You can purchase Amnesia Memories for the Vita or off of Steam. As a side note here,…

Shall We Date? Scarlet Fate: Akifusa Walkthrough

I have finished up my Akifusa route in Shall We Date? Scarlet Fate.  I thought I would do a quick walkthrough for his route.  If you want to see the CGs I have unlocked please click here, however they do have spoilers! Akifusa is your childhood friend, who is sweet but not the brightest.  He is a…